quarta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2011


Dicas, mandingas e simpatias para se dar bem no próximo ano.
By Cupinzeirodeideias.blogspot.com

Para tudo dar certo no ano que vem faça o seguinte:
Acorde mais cedo que os outros
Trabalhe mais que todo mundo
Seja fiel as pessoas que ama
Respeite as leis que ache justas
Seja verdadeiro consigo mesmo
Estude mais um pouco
Se dedique um pouco mais as coisas importantes
Aproveite o dia e descanse um pouco mais a noite
Preste a atenção nas coisas banais
Leia o que está escrito nas entrelinhas
Não espere a mudança seja a mudança
Dedique um tempo a ouvir seu coração
E o melhor conselho que posso lhe dar é que  trabalhe muito, respeite as pessoas, lute por tudo que queiras, e nunca espere que as coisas caiam do céu. O Cupinzeiro é uma prova que não adianta esperar pelos outros. Contra todas expectativas os cupins sobrevivem em seus cupinzeiros no mundo todo, trabalhando muito, mas de forma inteligente e organizada.

Feliz Ano Novo seja um cupim na vida...

Ao aliterar-me me desfaço em faces mil, quando me completo me disfarço no suave chiado do som do vinil.
Valdemir Costa

بواسطة Cupinzeirodeideias.blogspot.com

كل شيء عن العمل في العام المقبل القيام بما يلي :
تستيقظ في وقت سابق من غيرها
العمل بجد من الجميع
تكون وفية الاحباء
احترام القوانين مجرد التفكير
يكون ذلك صحيحا لنفسك
دراسة بعض أكثر
إذا كنت تأخذ الامور قليلا أكثر أهمية
انتهازها وبقية الليل أكثر من ذلك بقليل
دفع الاهتمام على مسائل تافهة
قراءة ما هو مكتوب بين السطور
لا نتوقع التغيير هو التغيير
يستغرق وقتا طويلا للاستماع الى قلبك
وأفضل نصيحة أستطيع أن أعطي لكم هو أن نعمل بجد احترام الناس، ومحاربة كل شيء تريده ، وأشياء لا نتوقع أن يهبط من السماء. التل هو دليل على أن ليس جيدا انتظار الآخرين. ضد كل التوقعات ، النمل الأبيض في النمل الأبيض على قيد الحياة في جميع أنحاء العالم، والعمل الجاد، ولكن ذكية وتنظيمها.

سنة جديدة سعيدة هي سنام في الحياة...

ويأتي التراجع alliterative لي في 1000 تواجه، وعندما أكمل بلدي تمويه الصوت الهسهسة لينة من الفينيل.
فالديمار كوستا

내년 잘 할 팁, 매력과 유감 이예요.

작업에 이르기까지 내년 다음을 수행 :
이전 다른 사람보다 일어나
사람보다 더 열심히 일해야
성실한 사랑하는 사람 수
법률가 방금 존경
자신에게 솔직
좀 더 공부를
당신은 좀 더 중요한 것들을 경우
하루를 잘 정비하고 좀 더 밤을 휴식
사소한 문제에주의를 기울
라인 사이에 작성된 것을 읽으십시오
변화 변화는 기대하지 마십시오
마음에 들어 시간을 가지십시오
그리고 내가 당신에게 해 줄 수있는 최고의 조언은, 하드, 존경 사람을 일을 당신이 원하는 모든 것을 위해 싸워야하고, 일을 하늘에서 떨어질 것으로 예상 않을 것입니다.마운드는 좋은 다른 기다리고 없다는 증거입니다. 모두의 기대에 대한 자신의 흰개미에 흰개미가 최선을 다하고 있지만, 똑똑하고 조직, 전세계 생존.

새해 복 많이 인생의 고비입니다 ...

내이 비닐의 부드러운 치찰음의 사운드를 위장 완료되면 alliterative 나는 천 얼굴에 풀어지는.
Valdemar 코스타

Wenke om goed te doen volgende jaar, sjarme en ek is jammer.
Soos Cupinzeirodeideias.blogspot.com

Volgende, doen die volgende take wat wissel van:
Wake up vroeër as ander
Werk harder as enigiemand
Aantal mense wat opregte liefde
Ek het net respek vir die wet
Wees eerlik met jouself
Meer inligting
As 'n paar van die meer belangrike dinge wat jy
Gryp die dag en ontspan 'n bietjie meer nagte
Skenk aandag aan klein probleme
Lees tussen die lyne geskryf in
Moet nie verwag dat verandering verandering
Neem tyd vir foto
En ek kan gee jou die beste raad, hard, respek wat mense het om te veg vir alles wat jy wil, en wat is nie verwag word om te val uit die lug: daar is geen bewyse dat die heuwel wag vir 'n goeie anders. Op die verwagtinge van al die termiete in hul termiet gepleeg het, maar slim organisasies in die wêreld, oorleef.

Gelukkige nuwe jaar van die lewe is duur.

Oor sagte sissende geluid van viniel kamoeflering is voltooi 1000 alliterative, ek kom ongedaan gemaak in die gesig.
Waldemar Costa

Советы, брелоки и симпатий, чтобы преуспеть в следующем году.
По Cupinzeirodeideias.blogspot.com

За все, чтобы работать в следующем году выполнить следующие действия:
Проснитесь раньше, чем другие
Работа тяжелее, чем все
Будь верен близких
Уважение законов просто думаю,
Будьте верны себе
Исследование еще несколько
Если взять немного более важные вещи
Не упустите возможность отдохнуть немного больше ночь
Обратите внимание на мелочах
Читайте, что написано между строк
Не ожидайте, что изменение изменение
Найдите время, чтобы слушать свое сердце
И лучший совет, который я могу дать вам много работать, люди уважают, бороться за все, что вы хотите, и никогда не ожидаете вещи падают с неба.Курган является доказательством того, что ничего хорошего ожидания для других. Вопреки всем ожиданиям термитов в их термитов выжить во всем мире, работая тяжело, но умный и организованный.

С Новым годом является горб в жизни ...

Аллитерационного меня развязался в тысячу лиц, по завершении учебы в маскировке мягкий шипящий звук винила.
Вальдемар Коста

Tips, charms and sympathies to do well next year.
by Cupinzeirodeideias.blogspot.com

For everything to work next year do the following:
Wake up earlier than others
Work harder than everyone
Be faithful loved ones
Respect the laws just think
Be true to yourself
Study some more
If you take a little more important things
Seize the day and rest a little more night
Pay attention on trivial matters
Read what is written between the lines
Do not expect the change is the change
Take time to listen to your heart
And the best advice I can give you is to work hard, respect people, fight for everything you want, and never expect things to fall from the sky. The mound is a proof that no good waiting for others. Against all expectations the termites in their termite survive worldwide, working hard, but smart and organized.

Happy New Year is a hump in life ...

The alliterative me come undone in one thousand faces, when I complete my disguise the soft hissing sound of vinyl.
Valdemar Costa





segunda-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2011

mound of ideas: Ligado no Rio.: Réveillon de Copacabana 2012 : Sai...

mound of ideas: Ligado no Rio.: Réveillon de Copacabana 2012 : Sai...: Ligado no Rio.: Réveillon de Copacabana 2012 : Saiba tudo aqui. : O Natal está chegando, e uma semana depois já chega uma das festas mais es...

Ligado no Rio.: Réveillon de Copacabana 2012 : Saiba tudo aqui.

Ligado no Rio.: Réveillon de Copacabana 2012 : Saiba tudo aqui.: O Natal está chegando, e uma semana depois já chega uma das festas mais esperadas do ano por cariocas e turistas, o Réveillon. Copacabana...

The music of the band Spiral Route

  Renato Spider:

The video was produced by Fernando Caraga, music producer in São Paulo, the design of the letter and the video is to reveal the car as a "status" in which people hold and forget everything around them: their city and the social problems , is a critical and humorous acid, may also be associated with people who ask us to "vote" and then pass the windows closed without giving a damn about others. Thus, multiple readings can be made.


The band spiral route is already known to those who like a good and sound show will alternate with a captive audience has several songs available on the Internet. REB (Route Spiral Band) is a good alternative to the sameness of the material that is disseminated throughout Brazilian music.

                                                        Valdemar Costa

blogger visualize the origin of the visits to your blog in real time

Blogger Visualisierung der Herkunft der Besucher zu Ihrem Blog in Echtzei

sábado, 24 de dezembro de 2011


First comes a robot from the future to change the past by killing the man who rid the world of think of the machines, then the same robot model is actually an android, saved back to that same savior. With this plot the first two films in the Terminator series has led thousands of people to theaters, grossing millions of dollars. The third film was one of the best sequels ever made, and tied with a story and a script outright James Cameron explains how John Connor became the leader of the resistance. The third film ends with John in the center of American operations were directed to where all radio communications, computers were already being controlled by Sky Net, the villain of the husk over virtual cinema. This third film also marks the end of the presence of muscular actor and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in the film series.
The series of Terminator movies already in his fourth film with promise of more to come, always under the competent baton of director James Cameron. Another destroyer is the classic phrase "I'll be back." Let's see what the next sentence that will go down history when they debut the new Terminator coming from the future.


Webmasters Ganham Dinheiro Aqui!

Arnold Schwarzenegger  - ACTOR AND GOVERNATOR

cupinzeiro - Merry Christmas

. . .. .. ... .CUPINZEIRO Poesias e Idéias: Feliz Natal do Cupinzeiro de Idéias.: happyness and Merry Christmas cristmans. Puesto que yo soy imperfecto y necesito la tol...

terça-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2011

ESPARTHANOS OS: Ladies and gentlemen, the sound of Curtis Mayfield - Mo ...

OS ESPARTHANOS: lady and getlemen the sound of Curtis Mayfield - Move on up

Curtis Lee Mayfield (June 3, 1942 – December 26, 1999) was an American soul, R&B, and funk singer, songwriter, and record producer. He is best known for his anthemic music with The Impressions during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's and for composing the soundtrack to the blaxploitation film Super Fly, Mayfield is highly regarded as a pioneer of funk and of politically conscious African-American music. He was also a multi-instrumentalist who played the guitar, bass, piano, saxophone, and drums. Curtis Mayfield is a winner of both the Grammy Legend Award (in 1994) and the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award (in 1995), and was a double inductee into The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, inducted as a member of The Impressions into The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1991, and again in 1999 as a solo artist. He is also a two-time Grammy Hall of Fame inductee

domingo, 18 de dezembro de 2011

good bye Cesária Évora!

Cesária Évora, boned in 27 August 1941 – 17 December 2011) was a Cape Verdean popular singer. Nicknamed the "barefoot diva" for performing without shoes.

Évora was born on 27 August 1941 in Mindelo, São Vicente, Cape Verde. When she was seven years old her father died, and at age ten she was placed in an orphanage, as her mother could not raise all six children. Aged 16, she was persuaded by a friend to sing in a sailors' tavern.

In the 1960s, she started singing on Portuguese cruise ships stopping at Mindelo as well as on the local radio. It was only in 1985 when at the invitation of Cape Verdean singer Bana she went to perform in Portugal. In Lisbon she was discovered by the musician José da Silva and invited to record in Paris.

quinta-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2011

The League of the Righteous - The Beginning

The League of the Righteous - The Beginning

League of the Just

As a result of the breakup occurred in the League of Outlaws, the League of the Righteous was formed in Paris in 1836 under the leadership of Theodor Schuster. In the years following its creation, Schuster was replaced by Wilhelm Weitling who directed from 1837 to 1844, with the employees in the direction of the League: Karl Schapper, Weissenbach George Karl Hoffmann, Henri Bauer (shoemaker), Joseph Moll (watchmaker), Hermann Everberck (writer) and Germann Maurer (teacher).The League of the Righteous was not however restricted to the French capital, expanded in Switzerland and England, receiving in each country, different influences.In France, the League adopted ideas utopian and egalitarian conspiracy of Saint-Simon, Fourier, Babeuf, Blanqui, Cabet and Proudhon. Switzerland dominated the ideas of Weitling. In London, despite the influence of Owen, the League will have contact with a diversity of ideas, expressed in the trade-unions, the Chartist movement and the various conceptions of factory workers and political exiles from several European countries.Therefore, between 1843 and 1846, London more than anywhere else, experienced a ferment of ideas, thoughts causing the rejection of egalitarian, utopian and conspiratorial, broadcast at the time, which led to the assertion of new principles within the League, giving rise to a conception of revolution as a result "of a long process that combined advertising, permanent action and organization" (1), and moving on to admit the need for an evidence base around a social revolution, preparing if "the ground for a rapprochement with the intellectuals who, in diverse ways, sought to develop a critical theory of socialism" (2).Within the League Fair in London, began to mature the idea of ​​its reorganization, the product of a renewed discussion on a new basis of communism.Finally in 1847 a conference be convened for the months of May and June should include the participation of followers of those ideas in several countries.In January of that year, so before the completion of that congress, Joseph Moll on behalf of the "Central Authority of the League of the Righteous," begins his contacts with the revolutionary intelligentsia spread in several countries. time he meets in Brussels Marx and Engels in Paris, which will result in the entry of both the League of the Righteous.It is at this conference held in May-June 1847 in London, which approved the conversion of the League of the Righteous in the Communist League.
_____________(1) Nogueira, Marcus Aurelius. Introduction. In; Marx, Karl, Engels, Friedrich. "Manifesto of the Communist Party." Petropolis: Voices, 1988.

segunda-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2011

ESPARTHANOS OS: Tribute to former U.S. President George W. Bush

ESPARTHANOS OS: Tribute to former U.S. President George W. Bus ..: The Esparthanos make a simple homage to the man who had long been and still is in some ways, the most loved and hated the Pl ..

The beginning of the mound of ideas

The mound meets Ambassadors of blogs and Poetics and The Natural Intelligence Esparthanos. poetry and innovative ideas. all with a lot of fun and content.